Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fall/November 2008

Bees In November

I just checked my bees yesterday and the weather was warmer then it has been. It was near 60 degrees. They were flying and still bringing in pollen. Every bee had their baskets full. I wonder where they are getting this. Things are dying off and leaves are falling. We have had near freezing weather in the a.m., but pretty mild during the day yet.

I would love to follow them and see where they are going. I have a backyard hive and I thought they may cluster at this time. This is my first year. I installed bees last April so all of this is new for me. I did have a swarm in June and have rebuilt up to a good population. No honey though this year.

I hope the little creatures will make it through the winter. Our winters are pretty mild. At this time it's just making sure they don't starve.